Friday 11 September 2009

Stream of conciousness

Its friday. Woo yay and indeed hoopla. This week has dragged horribly, and sods law dictates that this weekend will speed past so fast that friday will seem to merge inperceptively in to monday. I always seemed to have so much to do on a weekend without having much at all planned. Take this weekend for example....

Actually, before I go into what I'm doing this weekend I should explain something, otherwise people who don't know me will just get confused.

I have a lovely boyfriend called chris. We've been together 18 months and have lived together for 2 month.

I have a lovely wife called sarah. We've been married for over 2 years now. She's one of my closest friends and we are so close we do act married. We even have an aniversary - 22nd May if you're interested.

She has a boyfriend called andy. Both boys understand that were wife and wife and are good with it......they dont have a choice

..tomorrow I'm having a marital day with my wonderful wife while chris does football-y things. Not sure what yet. We might watch harry potter and eat every pepperdew pepper we can lay our mitts on. Or ill see if I can get hold of an episode of house to watch. Or we'll end up playing lego. Thats what happened last times.

I chuffin love lego, its my new obcession. I loved it as a kid and now that im in my twenties* ive rediscovered it. The wife and I had a great time building stuff such as this:

My front room at the moment looks like Lego Land has exploded. There are half built structures, odd shaped roads and random bricks scattered everywhere and a me in the middle shouting "GIVE ME A 2 X 6 FLAT PIECE, WHERE IS IT, I HAD IT A MOMENT AGO!" Those tends to be the time Chris looks at with bemusement and switches on the PS3 until the phase passes. He puts up with a lot of stuff like that.

Anyway, after the wife and I have finished pretending we're 5, we're onto sunday where its a family party for Chris' grandads birthday. There is a small ammount of dread in me at this because then his enitre family will know how unbelievably CRAP I am at bowling. Seriously. Last time I went i got distasteful looks from the scout group in the next lane. At first they giggled, then they gaffawed, then it was just wonderment at how anyone with arms, legs and cognative skills could be THAT BAD.

Anyway, thats my weekend, and my blog. It wasnt particularly interesting or lucid, but there it is. Blame Paul Duthie. He nagged me to post again.


*Thats the first time i have ever said "in my twenties", god im getting old.

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