Saturday, 12 December 2009

Confessions of a film philistine

Ok, Ok, I admit it. I am a film philistine. If you name me 10 films you think i should have seen by the time i reached 23, I can almost guarantee I haven't seen it.


I’ve played this game with people before, and they always start with the more obscure films, thinking that I *must* have seen Pulp Fiction, or Dirty Dancing, or Lord of the Rings, or anything like that. I am here to tell you that I have NEVER seen Pulp Fiction. I have NEVER seen Dirty Dancing. I have only ever seen 45 MINUTES of Lord of the Rings. The second one. Whatever it was called.

I’ve never been one for new year’s resolutions, but as a promise to my Wife, Sarah and my Boyfriend, Chris, I will look to take a poll from you dear twitterers and blog readers, as well as other people, and I will endeavour to watch the top 10 most recommended films over 2010.

So, here is how it works. Subject to the few rules below, you post your top 10 films that you think i must see by the age of 23. I will then tally all of the votes up of the films i haven’t seen and will endeavour to watch the top 10 next year, and will of course keep you updated of this.

The rules are thus;

1 - No Porn

2 - No Horror

3- The Film must pass the flow chart below.

Other than that, I’m open to your suggestions. Place your suggestions in a list in the comment box, or DM me on twitter @alexlj and I will try get a decent list together by the new year. Lets see if we can make me slightly more educated.

Alex x

Wednesday, 2 December 2009


we need your help.

After secretly pissing money away for a few years, The University of Cumbria have decided to close its Ambleside Teaching Campus less than 8 weeks after a new batch of undergrads started term. They have mislead the students, the parents of students and the community into thinking that any such closures would be well into the future.

Below is a blog from my little brother who is one of those undergraduates. I implore you all to have a read and sign a petition on

Thank you


Well it's a sad sad day for Ambleisde eh! the self proclaimed home of Educational inspirator Charlotte Mason is comming to its end, the person who help shape and form the way people view and teach within Britain is being shunned aside to accomodate for the more "profitable" campus of Carlilse and Lancaster. WHAT A FUCKIN JOKE.

The shock of this incident was unprecidented and is something that I am sure, whatever the issue, only exasserbated a long and tiring process of self deprecation and poor management, but we wont dwell on that...ok we will, but maybe a little later.

The entire situation likens itself, for me atleast to the morning after the night before. You wake up in a daze, lights killing your eyes and you swear down that you could NEVER have spent all of the £28 million pounds you withdrew from the cash machine without realising. SURELY NOT, so you replay it through in your mind. There were the shots in the bar, the 5 to 10 pints in the SU, oh and that new massive Sports Centre in Lancaster, and you collapse in a pathetic heap on the floor of your cheffuer driven car as you rocking backwards and forwards. Anyone else? NO? well let me take you on a journey eh...


Results day. A nervous time in everyones not the results...because you want one more pop at the champ, the last chance to have get Bully's "what you could of had" prize that is your high school love interest. BUT ANYWAY, only achieving a BDD I decided to sack my original plan of Business Studies in light of a new life style, something that actually meant something, something where people called you Sir because they respected you not because they were paid to...and then it clicked, PRIMARY EDUCATION! YES! THATS PERFECT! So after much dilberation, "but mum theres simply not enough pubs per person ratio" you settle on the ideal place, and for me...that was the lazy little CUMBRIAN village if Ambleside!

Having only got in through clearing it was clear this was my last shot at the title, so I put on my suit and headed off...the weather was nice, the view was emmence and the campus and those within seemed to me like an idealic setting to spend three years. This was later improved by the promise that last year around 85% of students leaving the University found full time employment within the first 6 months, AMAZING!

PERFECT! I could ride out the economic crisis on the backs of admittedly innocent tax payers, and repay my debt to society, both financial and by allowing the future generations of Britain to excell and succeed leading to a fast service time in KFC! BUT WAIT, it gets better, not only is it a nice place to be it presented itself within the welcome slides as "the second best teaching campus in Europe". WOW! I'VE BEEN THERE I THOUGHT TO MYSELF! thats amazing! Europe, thats possibly better than Spain, Italy and even France, and the last time that happend Churchill took the be fair the best campus could have been a small shack in Wales for all I knew but, no this place seemed like the BEST place to spend 3 years and £12,000! STROLL ON!


I've been here for over 8 weeks and made numerous friends for life, I wake up a little like I already said, the morning after the night before, blishfully unaware that today was the end. I stroll up to the Library with the perfect intention of doing some work at 11.00 and at 11.10 I came back home. PERFECT STUDENT. Hunger had set in and as I walked through the APL I saw the holy grail of spread, sandwiches, dips and those little bread shape things that taste like know what I mean like up market mini cheddars, cause there no normal mini cheddars that Charlotte Mason mini chedders. Anyways, some suits walk up and start munching away. Thinking nothing of it I ordered my sandwich and sneak of back to bed.


I swear to god the only time I've seen more water in anyone place was Cockermouth a few weeks ago! BUT PEOPLE CRYING? WHATS UP? rumours flying whats going on...THEN SUCCESS 5.00PM THE BAR! RESULT! WE'LL SHOW THOSE SUITS THEY CAN'T FUCK AROUND WITH A-SIDE.

Here they come, the enemy..."hey guys" crys a sheepishly over paid minion "just want to give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding the issues today" BANG! the hands of anger go up on mass like a sea of...well angry people with questions I suppose.

BUT anyway, questions fly and comments made, the best being "you should change your motto from bring your dreams, to bring your dreams and we'll take them someone else" GOOD LAD! VICTORY! and like an odd episode the Jeremy Kyle more and more comments are fired...but SHIT the suits have a plan, the master of all plans...the "I AM RUBBER YOU ARE GLUE WHAT YOU SAY BOUNCES OF ME A STICKS TO YOU" the sly fuckers!

"We had planned to expand over the last couple of years, but obviously we can't do that now" WELL NO FUCKING SHIT! I thought that if I want to expand my business I had to buy more business but ha silly me I think i'll sell it and go home just in time for Nieghbours.


"We didn't realise that we were in that financial position"

OH OK! sorry here I was under the fairly innocent assumption that £11.8 million was a fairly easy thing to keep an eye on, obviously not! OH SPEAKING OF WHICH IF ANYBODY HAS SEEN A BRIEF CASE FULL OF CASH AMOUNTING TO AROUND THAT FIGURE PLEASE CONTACT ME I SEEM TO HAVE MISPLACED IT...what do you mean it's now a Sports Centre?

Then theres a Window of opportunity to just take that suited and booted team of nerds and knock them down a peg. BUT OF COURSE, as they do so well, they ignored the situation for well over 40 minutes, "maybe his arm will get tired" nah not this one! STAND UP!

"So if I get my student maintainance loan of around £3,500 that covers the lot as does my tution fees then how the fuck can you lose track of that amount of money?"

"Well we have pentitions to pay" GO ANSWER, SUCH A GOOD ANSWER, "oh well sorry thats ok then" FUCK OFF.

Home my friends is where the heart is. Charlotte Masons heart was here, the University of Cumbrias heart lies here, and guess what SO DOES MINE!

So take Lancaster, take Carisle, take fucking London AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ARSE because I ain't giving up without a fight and no one should! Those who got us into this mess and those who ignored it SHOULD BE FUCKIN ASHAMED! YOU'VE KILLED EDUCATION, AMBLESIDE AND THE DREAMS AND ASPERATIONS OF NOT ONE OR TWO BUT THREE YEARS OF STUDENTS!


UCAS Operator: "So your applying for Lancaster Sir?"

Student: "No AM-BLE-SIDE"

UCAS Operator: "Carlisle?"

Student: "No AM-BLE-SIDE, you know massive hills, always rains?"

UCAS Operator: "Putting you through to Lancaster now Sir thank you"


Monday, 16 November 2009

How I could save the world. . . . With Owls

Things are changing at the moment. I’m not sure what’s caused it. Maybe it’s the time of year, maybe it’s the time of life, but something doesn’t feel quite right. I’m getting twitchy, and I’m not sure why.

Somewhere around, very well hidden, is a list of things I want to do with my life. Some of them are very well known others less so and one in particular is not known at all. The problem with when you’re feeling twitchy is you then go to your “life list” and start looking at what might change the growing unease you are feeling. Here lies the problem.

When you are younger, adults know everything. They always know the right thing to do; they can answer (almost) any question without a flicker. They can cook, comfort, cuddle and buy ice cream. They can do what they like, when they like without getting into trouble and you can’t WAIT for that. As you grow older, blundering through your early and mid teens, you wonder when the hell the knowledge will hit you. You wonder when you will stop making stupid mistakes and when you will start instinctively knowing right from wrong. Milestone birthdays pass and the knowledge doesn’t hit. You tell yourself it must be the next birthday, then the next. At some point, you tell yourself, a shaft of light comes from the sky and the epiphany hits. It’s a life defining moment when you realise that adults don’t know all the answers and make the same cock ups as you do on a daily basis. My epiphany was at 20. I realised then that this was it. I was never going to get any better than I already was at dealing with the crap life threw at me. Or, if it did get better, it would be a slow process – not a thunderbolt from the heavens suddenly instilling the wisdom of adulthood.

So that’s the issue. I don’t know what to do. Everything on my list contains some element of risk - as every decision does. The problem is that when there are 2 people involved there is twice the risk of problems with one being unhappy or other problems along the way. I got to think about this while trying to sleep last night. It would be great if there were some kind of cosmic indicator system of how the decisions you make would affect you. Owls would do.

If something you were considering was a great idea and going to work out really well, a beautiful Owl with wonderful feathers would fly through the window and land on your arm. You would stroke it for a minute or too, revelling in the fact that you are making the right choice and then off the owl would fly to deliver its next affirmation.

If the considered change was viable but going to be a bumpy ride, the owl would arrive slightly ruffled, with a few feathers out of place and looking a bit worse for wear but otherwise healthy.

If it was a terrible idea, a dead owl would crash land on your lap.

This may seem like the random ramblings of a strange mind, and they are. But if you go past the slightly Harry Potter nature of the idea it makes sense. The economy would be in the state it’s in if Owls had warned bankers that they were being dicks. The regulators couldn’t have feigned ignorance of their activities if every bad decision had been accompanied by a dead owl – you couldn’t have moved in central London for the weight of dead birds littering the place.

Dead Owls could save the world by stopping people from making cataclysmic fuck ups, like the recession, the war in Afghanistan and Kerry Katona. Unfortunately the cosmos never thought to ask me for my thoughts, so you’re all doomed to a life of your own mistakes.

Sorry about that.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

I'm going hooooooome

Hello again. I can’t believe how long it has been since I wrote last. It doesn’t seem that long ago but was weeks now!

I have been so busy these last few weeks have flown past at the speed of light. I like to keep busy this time of year. October and November have always been quite difficult months for me, the last few years more than most. I think it goes back to when I was at school. When September comes, I was always full of hope that this year would be different and things would be easier. By the time I got to October, I realised that things hadn’t changed. They were the same as they were last year and would be the same until I left school at 16 – which when your 13 or 14 is a lifetime away. So I always keep my days and nights busy this time of year with things to look forward to. It helps keep the gremlins at bay.

Since I last wrote, my little brother has tra la laaa’d off to University to study to become a teacher. He seems to be settling in ok, and it’s quite disconcerting not to be verbally abused in the local pub on a Friday night (when he used to work). We’ll be going up to see him for his birthday in a couple of weeks to see just how in the middle of fucking nowhere he is! Looking at Google maps, it makes home look urban and built up.

Since their youngest has now flown the coop, Mum and Dad have been off globetrotting, first to Fowey in Cornwall for a week, and now to Spain. Once they get back from Spain they’re home for 4 days and then off to Thailand for 10 days. Please direct all abuse to their linked twitter pages.

While my parents are off getting pissed in exotic locations, (and my brother in not-so-exotic ones) Chris and I have temporarily moved back to Mum and Dad’s to look after their dogs. It’s quite weird moving back into the house you grew up in. Even though I’m older, more grown up (apparently) and have been living alone for 3 years, it still strange to be in charge of a house that you know so well under other peoples rules. It’s kind of like I’ve sneaked in while mum and dad weren’t looking. At least I’m not sleeping in my old bedroom – I can’t, Mum converted it into her home office before id even moved out.

I’m not entirely sure why it’s strange, I just know that it is. Maybe I can feel mum inspecting the tidiness of the house from across the continent. I wouldn’t put it passed her to have webcams rigged – if she knew how to rig them. It’s more likely she uses some sort of ESP to make sure I’ve hovered. Maybe she can converse with the Hoover on an alternative plain through time and space. I don’t know. I’d ask the Hoover but after living there since I was 12, I still don’t know where she keeps it. ...

Thursday, 1 October 2009

A Plea for Compassion

Some of you know, (and some of don’t) that I work in sales and marketing. Some of my job is telesales. Purely to businesses. Purely 9-5. I don’t read off a script, I have a conversation with them. I don’t hassle people. If they say not interested then fine. Thanks for your time. Goodbye. I am *always* polite. Never shitty, never pushy. A lot of people I have contacted still contact me months on for repeat orders

Most people are nice. Or if not nice, polite. Or if not polite, manageable. Then there are the other people.

I HATE rudeness. I really don’t think there is any need for it at all. Especially if the person you are being rude to is being polite and pleasant. Most people, I have already said, are not rude. There are not nearly as many rude people out there as I thought there would be when I took this job on. The situation might be different if I was ringing people’s homes when Corrie was on, but I’m not. I’m ringing businesses about local business related things. Things that could (and more often than not do) save them a shit load of money on stuff they’d have to buy anyway (on ink and toner if you’re interested – and normally we’re talking a 50% saving).

So. I call a gentleman up. This was *not* a cold call, by the way. He’d spoken to us before and had agreed to get an email with some details. He was so rude, bordering on accusatory, and I had to be polite and say thank you very much and ended the call. I don’t see why I should do though. He has no right to treat me as sub human. He agreed to the information and had spoken to us before. I so desperately wanted to pull him up on it, but of course couldn’t. I had to smile and carry on.

Here is what I would have loved to have said.

“....excuse me Mr [bleep], but what the hell is your problem. Are you so misanthropic that you speak to everyone like that, or is it just you think you can speak to me like that because there is are 2 handsets and some cables between us. I don’t care that you’ve had a bad day, how great do you think mine has being having to speak to people who make me feel crappy. If you don’t want cold callers, TPS your number. It’s your right and a legal requirement that we follow it. If you just say “no thanks” then fine, ill fuck off and leave you be. But you have no right, to make me feel 2 inches tall....”

All I’m asking people to remember is that there are people on the end of these phones. People doing a job. Like what you do, I do and everyone else does. And guess what, we may not like it all of the time. This isn’t necessarily what we dreamt of doing when we were young and full of hope - but it pays the fucking bills. Common courtesy costs absolutely nothing and may make one person’s day a hell of a lot easier.

For those wanting to register as TPS and stop sales calls, please visit

Rant over

Friday, 18 September 2009

Stop Moaning, you're going to stay poor.

I have written and re-written this blog four times now. I just could not begin to even start to come up with a topic that sticks. Until last night that is.

Im getting really pissed off with listening to people bitching about the Derren Brown Events, and I'm pretty sure I know why.

The series began with an amazing piece of Television trickery. Derren Brown "predicted" the lottery numbers live on TV. It was an amazing "how the fuck did that happen" piece of work with a promise to explain how it was done the following Friday. The country tuned in, many of whom i would guess had never seen a Derren Brown show before and we're watching to see how to make their millions. Thats where the problems lay.

They all tuned in to see how they could make their millions, seemingly forgetting that if it was that simple, everyone in the country would be able to win, therefore making the lottery pointless. It was an entertaining show with cutaways to tricks such the kife/cup etc, with a funny part at the end about he *would* have infiltrated camelot.

At 10pm sharp, the moaning started.

"The Wisdom of crowds thing is bollocks, thats not how he did it"


David Copperfield has made a living out of saying "I can fly, because I'm Magic, Its the Magic Within me" and no one questions it. We all know he cant fly. No one with that big a head would be able to without mechanical intervention, but he doesnt get people moaning on about him being a fraud.

The deep seated reason why people got pissed off with the Lottery broadcast is that Derren didnt turn around and give the audience a button that said "lottery win" so they couldnt get rich. Simple As.

Last nights offering of controling the nation was excellent, and more in tune with the live shows he does. The P.W.A tricks were amazingly excecuted with my personal favourite being Frank the Giraffe. I did spot a couple of the suggestions because on the win/lose game and the green chair one, mainly i was looking out for them but it was a great and diverting hour of TV.

Then the headline act, sticking to the chair. I didnt personally get particularly stuck, but know a few who did. I feet very very heavy around my arms, knees so it was more of an effort to get up, but possible.

Anyway, to conclude. If you dont like the suggestion, PWA, and ultimately unique kind of magic that he does, Strictly come dancing is on BBC1. Those who, like me, enjoy and are facinated by, psychological magic, next weeks looks awesome.

Friday, 11 September 2009

Stream of conciousness

Its friday. Woo yay and indeed hoopla. This week has dragged horribly, and sods law dictates that this weekend will speed past so fast that friday will seem to merge inperceptively in to monday. I always seemed to have so much to do on a weekend without having much at all planned. Take this weekend for example....

Actually, before I go into what I'm doing this weekend I should explain something, otherwise people who don't know me will just get confused.

I have a lovely boyfriend called chris. We've been together 18 months and have lived together for 2 month.

I have a lovely wife called sarah. We've been married for over 2 years now. She's one of my closest friends and we are so close we do act married. We even have an aniversary - 22nd May if you're interested.

She has a boyfriend called andy. Both boys understand that were wife and wife and are good with it......they dont have a choice

..tomorrow I'm having a marital day with my wonderful wife while chris does football-y things. Not sure what yet. We might watch harry potter and eat every pepperdew pepper we can lay our mitts on. Or ill see if I can get hold of an episode of house to watch. Or we'll end up playing lego. Thats what happened last times.

I chuffin love lego, its my new obcession. I loved it as a kid and now that im in my twenties* ive rediscovered it. The wife and I had a great time building stuff such as this:

My front room at the moment looks like Lego Land has exploded. There are half built structures, odd shaped roads and random bricks scattered everywhere and a me in the middle shouting "GIVE ME A 2 X 6 FLAT PIECE, WHERE IS IT, I HAD IT A MOMENT AGO!" Those tends to be the time Chris looks at with bemusement and switches on the PS3 until the phase passes. He puts up with a lot of stuff like that.

Anyway, after the wife and I have finished pretending we're 5, we're onto sunday where its a family party for Chris' grandads birthday. There is a small ammount of dread in me at this because then his enitre family will know how unbelievably CRAP I am at bowling. Seriously. Last time I went i got distasteful looks from the scout group in the next lane. At first they giggled, then they gaffawed, then it was just wonderment at how anyone with arms, legs and cognative skills could be THAT BAD.

Anyway, thats my weekend, and my blog. It wasnt particularly interesting or lucid, but there it is. Blame Paul Duthie. He nagged me to post again.


*Thats the first time i have ever said "in my twenties", god im getting old.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Why I'm Doing this

I like writing. And those of you who follow me on twitter will know I like tweeting too. Ive had a blog for a while now. The first one was purely cathartic and not read by anyone except me, cringingly. Then I went on to publishing the blog under a pseudonym. A few of you will have read it, many, many more of you won’t have. I didn’t want anyone reading the blog and thinking it was shit. I never did it for any reason other than because I wanted to and I did *not* want to be judged for it.

The problem with writing under a pseudonym is that its very difficult to reference your actual life, or the things that are annoying you because the people who know you personally will make the connection instantly, crushing the illusion.

In the last few days however, I have decided I don’t care. I have taken a leaf from a great blogger called Antonvowel who is being very open and honest with people about his life and what he is going through and I applaud him for that. So I’ve decided to start up my own blog, for all of you to read or ignore at your own discretion. Some things will of course be out of bounds, things about work and family things, and some names will of course be changed to protect the guilty.

So welcome to A Wild Stab in the Dark – because that is, ostensibly, what it is.
