Ok, Ok, I admit it. I am a film philistine. If you name me 10 films you think i should have seen by the time i reached 23, I can almost guarantee I haven't seen it.
I’ve played this game with people before, and they always start with the more obscure films, thinking that I *must* have seen Pulp Fiction, or Dirty Dancing, or Lord of the Rings, or anything like that. I am here to tell you that I have NEVER seen Pulp Fiction. I have NEVER seen Dirty Dancing. I have only ever seen 45 MINUTES of Lord of the Rings. The second one. Whatever it was called.
I’ve never been one for new year’s resolutions, but as a promise to my Wife, Sarah and my Boyfriend, Chris, I will look to take a poll from you dear twitterers and blog readers, as well as other people, and I will endeavour to watch the top 10 most recommended films over 2010.
So, here is how it works. Subject to the few rules below, you post your top 10 films that you think i must see by the age of 23. I will then tally all of the votes up of the films i haven’t seen and will endeavour to watch the top 10 next year, and will of course keep you updated of this.
The rules are thus;
1 - No Porn
2 - No Horror
3- The Film must pass the flow chart below.
Other than that, I’m open to your suggestions. Place your suggestions in a list in the comment box, or DM me on twitter @alexlj and I will try get a decent list together by the new year. Lets see if we can make me slightly more educated.
Alex x